Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Princekulas?

There are so many questions why am I using this alias?Some of my friends at the social network Facebook often ask me the same question over and over again, and I would answer them the same thing over and over again. Why the name Princekulas?

It has been olenty of years ago when, way back to my former working place in Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia, that I have met plenty of friends, whom, I have been in contact until these recent years. It is quite a simple notion that I was so amazed with the name Nicholas, somehow it just come into my idle mind, I am doing anything that time (but I am sitting at the shop), looking at the things that we are selling, and thinking of the next customer to come in and look for our goods. Suddenly, the name Kulas came into my mind, out of nowhere. And all the while I thought, yeah, I will be better off that way. Kulas seemed to be and exotic name. Kulas... male form. Kulasisi... female form. I might as well have that. So i thought a little bit deeper.

Why the prefix Prince? I was not born a royalty to be called such a title. I was born not on a silver platter, for actually why did I become an expatriate working in a foreign land if I had all the means to live? Prince is such a noble title... and why should I not? And when the time that I came back home for good, I used the name Prince, in honor of the royalties way back in Saudi Arabia, and the Kulas, well, to describe the simple person in me.

I always make sure that I am still the simple person like the way I had been 40 years ago. I was born a simple life, raised in simplicity, without the cravings for the things that in return I could not have. All I had are just simple cravings, nothing more, nothing else. Foods that are just sold on the streets, no fine dining please unless otherwise that I was invited to have one.

I am always the simple man with dignity. I might not be a royalty, but still I am. we all have the capacity to become a royal- with dignity, with poise, observing the etiquette. Some people were born with a silver spoon and yet they don't have the respect of some members of the society. Needless to say, that some people were born out of corruption. I am proud to say that I was neither of the two. It is the same me. The ME that I used to be. The alias may have been royalty-sounding like thing, but hey... I AM SIMPLE, HONORABLE, PROUD AND DIGNIFIED.

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